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Roberto del Rio wurde in Mexiko-Stadt geboren. Aus seinen früheren Straßensammlungen skizzierte und übersetzte er seine Gedanken in Farbe, wodurch er erkannte, dass sein wirkliches Interesse auf den kreativen und ästhetischen Aspekten lag. Als Autodidakt ist Robertos Arbeit expressionistisch. Der Künstler gründete ein Studio in Mexiko-Stadt und begann zu malen, ohne dass ein äußerer Einfluss seinen Stil beeinflusste. Er schloss die Tür hinter sich und perfektionierte seine Kunst und wie er die Welt betrachtete.ENGLISH:Roberto del Rio was born in Mexico City. From his earlier street collections, he sketched and translated his thoughts into color through which he realized that his real interest was focused on the creative and aesthetic aspects. Self-taught, Roberto’s work is expressionistic. Artist set up a studio in Mexico City and began to paint without letting any external influence affect his style. He shut the door behind him and perfected his art and how he looked at the world. Meaning: The work is based on Matisse’s “the dance” The work is mainly focused on the primitive human aspect and how we are all connected by the same elements that build us. The universe is a mental creation ( translation for the title of the work), meaning by this, that we as a species are responsable in the creation and the way we perceive our reality.

El universo es una creation mental - Roberto del Rio

VAT Included
  • 20x30cm
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